
A.J. Winter has lived in Wisconsin her whole life, but dreams of living abroad over in the U.K. one day. She took Spanish for twelve years before dropping it because she discovered she wasn't very good. A year and a half later as well as a major change, she needed to take four semesters of a language (even though she only had one semester left of Spanish) so she picked up French. Besides studying English theories for her BA in English, Amanda spends most of her free time dedicated to writing. She is a proud member of the Wattpad Stars program and updates all of her books as much as she can. Amanda is currently editing her novel Vigilant and seeking representation for it.

A.J. Winter

Amanda, or A.J. Winter, is an avid reader and writer. She is a full-time college student who also writes on the website, Wattpad. She is a member of their Wattpad Stars program.

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