Hey Everyone!

It's that time of the month again, update time! This month has not been as productive as I would have liked it to have been. I'm not sure I mentioned it in my last update, but my sister has been having a slew of health related issues and man oh man, it's been a long month. Just the other day she got back from an eight day hospital stay. So my spring break turned out to be one where I played mom to my other siblings while my parents were two hours away with her.

Because of this, my writing took a back burner and set me off my schedule. I always forget how easy it is to fall off schedule because of life. It's not as easy as you would think to catch up. I feel like I'm always trying to catch up these days. It's been a hard semester and I've still got six to seven weeks left! I'm not even sure how I'm handling things right now.

My month started off strong, I was cranking out a chapter a week, and then my sister began going downhill again. My plans for querying by August are still in place, but I will have to work super hard for the next month or so. When I have some spare moments, I'm definitely planning on working on this book as much as I can.

I'm still on the lookout for some beta readers, so if you're at all interested, please send me an email to to send me that you're interested. I would love to have a handful of beta readers and get a clear idea of how you guys are liking the book. I love my one beta reader, but I do want some people who haven't read the Wattpad edition? Her little comments make my day, of course, but fresh eyeballs are good. I tried out AbsoluteWrite, but was bullied on there. I put out a request for betas and this woman all but harassed me. Who? A moderator. I did reply privately, but never heard back. Maybe it's for the best.

I'm trying to finish up the chapter I combined for chapters 22 and 23 today (hopefully). I am almost done, but I'm changing it to be one continuous scene instead of them cooking and having a certain conversation. I didn't find the need for that scene, so I changed it to continue from the previous conversation.

Goals for May:

  • Edit through Chapter 30
  • Combine chapters that can be combined
  • Start writing the summary
  • Find TWENTY AGENTS to query
  • Start Query
These goals are really ambitious, guys. I have finals and an interim. Lord help me in May.... ahaha, but it will be worth it!

See you next month for a Vigilant update!



A.J. Winter

Amanda, or A.J. Winter, is an avid reader and writer. She is a full-time college student who also writes on the website, Wattpad. She is a member of their Wattpad Stars program.

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